The Devil’s Artisan
‘Though an angel should write, / still ’tis devils must print.’
— Thomas Moore (1779–1852)
Engraving Type Designs in Metal
The Dutch Author and his Public. By A. P. Dierick.
Engraving Type Designs in Metal. By Jim Rimmer.
Book Reviews.
Printed offset on the Heidelberg KORD at the printing office of the Coach House Press on bpnichol lane, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Keepsake laid in is a poem entitled `The Beaks of the Turtles' by Tim Inkster. Printed offset in five colours on Carlyle Japan.
Cover printed by Tim Inkster at The Porcupine's Quill, Erin, Ontario. Black and silver foil, featuring a humourous wood engraving by Michael McCurdy.
The Devil’s Artisan would like to acknowledge the generous financial support of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council.

In This Issue:
The Dutch Author and his Public. By A. P. Dierick
Engraving Type Designs in Metal. By Jim Rimmer
Keepsake laid in is a poem entitled `The Beaks of the Turtles' by Tim Inkster. Printed offset in five colours on Carlyle Japan