The Devil’s Artisan
‘Though an angel should write, / still ’tis devils must print.’
— Thomas Moore (1779–1852)
In Allan Fleming's Archive
Original printed wraps. 124 pp. Octavo.
The second issue (of two) of the Devil's Artisan guest-edited by Martha Fleming on the subject of her father, Allan Fleming.
Articles include ... Allan Fleming at Home: A Partial Reconstruction by Martha Fleming. Nine Months to Make or Break Canadian Magazine Design: Allan Fleming and Maclean's by Donna Braggins. Designing Nature and Picturing Prestige: Allan Fleming's Work on Canada: A Year of the Land and Canada, du temps qui passe by Carol Payne. Ontario Hydro Symbol Launch Document, 1965 (Employee Version). The One That Got Away: Allan Fleming and the Bay by Brian Donnelly. `Cabin'd, cribb'd, confin'd': A Commercial Designer's Frustrating Years in Canadian Scholarly Publishing by Devin Crawley.
A Rogues' Gallery features Jim Donoahue, of Cooper & Beatty fame.
This is a companion volume to DA 62 (Spring/Summer 2008), which contained a chronology and images of Allan Fleming's life and work, autobiographical fragments and a survey of Fleming archival resources.
Printed offset on the Heidelberg KORD at the printing office of the Porcupine's Quill in the Village of Erin, Wellington County, Ontario, Canada. Smyth sewn into 16-page signatures. With coloured endleaves, hand-tipped, front and back.
Keepsake laid in was designed by E A Hobart (Zab) and features a reproduction of a `Typograf' of the sort that Allan Fleming most certainly used at Cooper & Beatty. Printed offset in two spot colours by Tim Inkster on the Heidelberg KORD. The cover was also printed offset by Tim Inkster at the Porcupine's Quill and features a reproduction of a cover design Allan Fleming created for Maclean's.
The Devil’s Artisan would like to acknowledge the generous financial support of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council.