The Devil’s Artisan
‘Though an angel should write, / still ’tis devils must print.’
— Thomas Moore (1779–1852)
featuring Warren Clements’ Nestlings Press, Pennywise, Shanty Bay & St. Michael’s College Press
Recent issues of the Devil's Artisan are available digitally directly from our own proprietory eBook store in PDF format. The magazine is also available digitally through Magzter for various devices, including Android, Apple, Kindle and Windows.
DA 81 focuses on the origins and development of a wide variety of specialty printers. In ‘The Art of Drawing Laughs: Nestlings Press Turns Five’, Warren Clements traces the roots of Nestlings Press, a plucky publisher specializing in humour books. In ‘The Pennywise Press: A Memoir’, Elizabeth Neill contributes a fond remembrance of a press that produced works of the Devereux family and friends for over five decades. Also included in this issue are John Shoesmith’s report on his visit to Shanty Bay Press, Larry Thompson’s feature on members of the Ottawa Press Gang, Manda Vrkljan and Noelle Gadon’s history of St. Michael’s College Press and Camilla Milton Gryski and Chester Gryski’s tribute to Denis C. Milton.
Recurring features include the Rogues' Gallery, featuring a profile of Don Black of Don K. Black Linecasting Service Ltd., and Richard Kegler’s discussion of the Folkwang typeface. Kandid Kamera shares photos from the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library Small and Fine Press Fair, the Coach House Wayzgoose and the Alcuin Awards dinner.
The front and back cover images are by Anthony Jenkins. ‘The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing’ is from Aesop, ASAP, 2015, and ‘Humpty Dumpty’ is from If Famous Authors Wrote Nursery Rhymes, 2012. The keepsake is printed on the Vandercook by George A. Walker from an engraving by Denis Milton.
The Devil’s Artisan would like to acknowledge the generous financial support of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council.

In This Issue:
The Art of Drawing Laughs: Nestlings Press Turns Five
by Warren Clements
The Pennywise Press: A Memoir
by Elizabeth Neill
Shanty Bay Press: A Visit and an Appreciation
by John Shoesmith
The Archetypes of the Ottawa Press Gang
by Larry Thompson
All Hands-On: The History of St. Michael's College Press
by Manda Vrkljan & Noelle Gadon
In Memoriam: Denis C. Milton, 1916–2017
by Camilla Milton Gryski & Chester Gryski
by Richard Kegler
A Rogues' Gallery: Don Black
By George A. Walker