The Devil’s Artisan
‘Though an angel should write, / still ’tis devils must print.’
— Thomas Moore (1779–1852)
Baudelaire, Emil Orlik, Northrop Frye, T.S. Eliot and the woodblock prints of Richard York
Curator Tom Smart explores the unlikely influence of Baudelaire, Emil Orlik, Northrop Frye, and T.S. Eliot on the contemporary woodblock images of West Coast printmaker Richard York. Janet Nicol presents Sing Lim (1915–1993), another BC-based printmaker, though from an earlier generation. New contributor g.a. chishti reviews Literarum Ex Arboribus: An Exuberant Showing of the Wood Type at Gaspereau Press. Librarian Eric Swanick updates the Jim Rimmer Checklist he first presented in DA 66 (2010). Continuing with the wood type theme, typographer Richard Kegler considers the uncertain provenance of Vernacular Poster Sans, pieces of which were found in the remnants of the Pollock Poster Printing Company of Buffalo, NY. And papermaker Gordon Sisler (Crown Mills) presents Hugh Barclay (Thee Hellbox) as the latest Rogue.
The front cover is adapted from a woodblock print entitled Kelp VII (2014) by Richard York. 45.72 x 60.64 cm. Edition of six. The keepsake is based on an engraving gently lifted from a Specimen Book published by Farmer, Little & Co., New York, 1879. Digital colorization by Stephanie Small.
The Devil’s Artisan would like to acknowledge the generous financial support of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council.

In This Issue:
Richard York's Artistic Journey, His Sources and Influences
by Tom Smart
Sing Lim, Vancouver Artist and Printer
by Janet Nicol
Jim Rimmer: A Checklist Addendum
by Eric Swanick
Intelligible Impressions of a Hermetic Printer
by g.a. chishti
Vernacular Poster Sans
by Richard Kegler
A Rogues' Gallery: Hugh Walter Barclay
by Gordon Sisler
Kandid Kamera
by Don McLeod